Thursday, November 8, 2007

Andrew Bolt Answers to Article

1.a) People are making arguments like
That the show is soft core porn and that it should not be broadcasted of chanel 10.
b) 1.yes, to me the show was like soft core porn
2. I walked in to see the most blatant nudity - no attempts at even low level discretion which you find in most shows on free-to-air.
3. This crap should be on pay tv. If you want that kind of “freedom”, pay for it!!!
c) Shock tactics, Emotive language & statistics
d) They are effective because they are being emotive and helping people see where they’re coming from.

2.a) People are making arguments like
They’re children may chanel surf and come across the show, and its not appropriate for children of that young age.
b) 1.Mine was channel surfing and stumbled across it at the same time. Wont ever be able to watch “The Nanny” the same way again
2. Seriously if you think this is pornography then you are an A grade wuss
3. If you don’t like it then switch it off. For the record, I watched it and found it quite ordinary
c) Rhetorical Questions, Sarcasm, Statistics
d) These Arguments are effective because they are going against what Mr Bolt is saying in a sarcastic way making him not be able to reply to them.

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

I am Kathleen Politis and I am writing in because I find that the article written you Mr. Bolt in the Herald Sun concerning the so called ‘controversial’ show ‘Californication’ on Channel 10 is absolute rubbish and is a very one sided article. I am quite disgusted at the statements made by Mr Bolt, he constantly refers to the show as having no storyline but instead just soft core porn. Seriously Mr Bolt shouldn’t you be making that assumption after watching more than one show. You also state that the show destroys all moral values, honeslty do you know the meaning of moral values? You change your argument throughout your article from complaining that the show is basicly soft core porn to talking nonsense about moral values. I honestly think you should re think what you are going to write and check if it has anything to do with your contention. Out of a small survey I have conducted throughout my school, 92% of people disagree with your article.

I think you have shocked many people with your article, because I personally do not appreciate your outlook on ‘Californication’.

From Kathleen Politis 10E

Sunday, October 14, 2007


1.a) People are making arguments like
That the show is soft core porn and that it should not be broadcasted of chanel 10.
b) 1.yes, to me the show was like soft core porn
2. I walked in to see the most blatant nudity - no attempts at even low level discretion which you find in most shows on free-to-air.
3. This crap should be on pay tv. If you want that kind of “freedom”, pay for it!!!
c) Shock tactics, Emotive language & statistics
d) They are effective because they are being emotive and helping people see where they’re coming from.

2.a) People are making arguments like
They’re children may chanel surf and come across the show, and its not appropriate for children of that young age.
b) 1.Mine was channel surfing and stumbled across it at the same time. Wont ever be able to watch “The Nanny” the same way again
2. Seriously if you think this is pornography then you are an A grade wuss
3. If you don’t like it then switch it off. For the record, I watched it and found it quite ordinary
c) Rhetorical Questions, Sarcasm, Statistics
d) These Arguments are effective because they are going against what Mr Bolt is saying in a sarcastic way making him not be able to reply to them.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hello, Kathleen is back
are u muchly excited i think we need an update on the class of 10E
firstly sitting next to me is
CARLOS: he is Carlos Olson he is a twin with JUlia, he is a good boy i love this kid muchly! he makes kathleen laughs very much haha ROfalz like he says
HARRY: my lil greek kid, poor kid doesn't know antyhign that doesnt involve greek history, greek language & greek women.. he wants to be a Mechanic or Plumber wence he is olderr he will marry a women called Nikki and have kids named NICk, NICKOLAS AND NICKOLAI and perhaps NICKOLINA. he is getting better at defending himself, but when he is not able to he puts on his ipod with 10000 greek songs on it that go da da da ding.. then u must laugh and tthen leave him alone poor kid.,,I love him very much though
JIMMY: omg i love this kid he has the best hairr he is such a little muzza in the making with his great floor breaking shuffling haha! he could beat any muzzaa in the world! they would all die for his hair, clothes style and shuffle dancing. he is one of my besties and always will be!
ALICIJA: eww alicija shes a good girl haha she likes teasing people with me espically harralumgoose. she is special to me very much soo she is my other half in this class i would no body without her! I LOVE HER
DYLAN: hehe he is my soccer buddy he keeps me uypsated on allt he news like just now he just told me that rooney has a fractured foot and now im very upset and iw anna cry in a lil hole but all i care is that ronaldo is ok and hje played good against reading even though it was an 0-0 game btu all well he is hot and i olove him and for dylan he is also hot and i love him too hahahahhaha he is my lil wog boy! he is a gun at soccer =) just like me lolz jks OH AND dylan has the greatest ass in the whole world OUF!
SHANNON: Is neh neh he speaks neh neh lanauge ' RARRY ROVES RARREEENN' hehehe hmm i wonder wat neh neh means by that! i love him too
ALAN: i have known alan for 9 years and they have been fun i love this kid so much no one understanmds nliek the fisrt time in grade 2 hehe we both hid behind out teacher coz we were embaressed and omg the time we went out in grade 5 haha the days i love u xo
TOM: tommyy boyyy sickest boy he is mighty tall yes he is! very tall omg did you know that he is as tall as the famous hot soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo =O omggggoshhh yes tom is quite the random boyy! he is cool.

STACEY: stacey is my 1 of my bestest girl friends in this class, like alan i have known her for 9 years wowees she is beautiful and i love her!
MADDIE, ROSIE, TRICIA,MORGAN,MADI,ALYSON,STEPHANIE,PATRICIA&CLANCY: they are all nice and cool and they are all muchly loved by kathleen
CHRISTIAN: has turned fully sik muzztek he has metro ways as carlos says lol i love him!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Once upon a time, in the lands of Africa, there was a small and secrete village called Roar, which was inhabited by fierce and hungry Lions. There is no near by inhabited villages only the lions feeding ground, which they called Lamb Central, here is where the lions come at night to savor lambs. Over many years the Lion and the Lambs had great hate for each other, the lambs tried many times to fight the lions in order to have their rights, but never succeeded. The lambs thought of every way possible to make peace with the lions, but the lions only had two things in mind and that was to eat the lambs and feed their cubs. One courageous little lamb named Wooly would sit up all night figuring out ideas on how to save his friends and family from the teeth of the lions. He would secretly venture through the village of Roar to see what the lions do after dark. But one night something unexpected happened. The floor started shaking and loud BOOMS were defining his ears. Wooly was terrified to look into the distance to see a rare stampede of elephants. Wooly in a panic rush tried to run back to his friends and family to warn them, when in his pathway stood a tall and fierce some elephant with one leg up ready to stomp the lamb. Wooly stood there as still as could be and started praying for his village. The elephant looked oddly confused and put his leg down and started apologizing dearly to the Wooly. “I’m sorry” said the elephant. “For I thought this was the village Roar”. The elephant waved his trunk and the elephants fled. Wooly’s terror was not over just yet, as he looked up to find that he was surrounded by Lions, but with a different look than usual on their faces. “Thank you young Lamb for you saved us from defeat from the elephants” said the Lions. “How can we repay you?” Wooly thought this was a great opportunity to make peace, even though he was making peace with the lions who killed half of him family. “Let’s make peace, No Lion or Lamb shall be killed by a Lion or Lamb” The Lions where shocked that the lamb would make such a deal like such, but had no choice than to agree. As time went past the lambs and lions made friends, finding other ways to gather food and joined their villages together. From that day on the lion lay down with the lamb.

By Kathleen Politis 10E

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Kathleen's Book Report♥

California Diaries: Dawn Diary 1 written by Ann. M. Martin

I did my book report on a book called Dawn: Diary 1 which is from the California Diaries series written by Ann. M .Martin. This book is in diary form and is about the main character Dawn. Dawn is a young teen just about to enter Junior High. During the book you experience all the dramas of her growing up, having good and bad times with her friends, getting up to mischief and her thoughts about boys and relationships. You also witness her mother die from cancer, which is a very moving part in the book.

I enjoyed reading this book, it was very interesting, it makes you not want to put it down because every diary entry has a twist and you just can’t wait to find out what happens

I would recommend this book to anyone between the ages of 8 and 16. I think this age group would appreciate the book and most of all enjoy it.

By Kathleen Politis 10E

Monday, March 19, 2007

Chapter Summary & Questions

Chapter 5

-Mollie is caught looking over the edge to the Foxwood farm talking to one of the men that work there and letting him storke her nose
-It is decided that the pigs decide all the farm rules because they are the cleverest
-Snowball decides that the animals will construct a windmill
-Napoloean and Snowball disagree over if they will build the windmill or increase food production.
-Snowball completes his plan for the windmill
-Napolean takes credit for Snowball’s idea of the windmill

-"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?" PAGE 47 – 48
- "Napoleon is always right." PAGE 48

My Questions
1.Do you think that the pigs should have gone with the windmill plan or the plan to increase food production?
2.Do you believe that Napolean Is always right?
3.What is the colour ribbon Mollie likes to wear?
